
Ever since we could post our pictures online and share them with other communities, fashion designers, including Toronto fashion designers have become inspired by what “regular” people are wearing. Now there’s a website called It is deemed as the first and only fashion site with street fashion photos, designer features, fashion event listings and coverage, trend reports, competition listings and photo editorials. Toronto Street Fashion’s goal is to provide a place for the fashion industry to connect, learn and grow.

Designers or non-designers can communicate regarding design, fabrications and trends is a very intimate platform.

They also feature some very interesting emerging trends such as “green fashion”. This topic was raised in a recent show sponsored by the Fur Council of Canada. Many reporters remarked on the discomfort they felt watching an entire show focusing on fur. Others were repulsed at the use of fur and would rather have seen designers using vintage or recycled furs.

“One style veteran irritated by appropriation of the green movement, remarked, “This is not a perspective – its a marketing spin.” A photographer who lived in an Innu community was more comfortable with the fur saying, “This is how the Inuit make their living – how else are they supposed to support themselves?”

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